Mike Dygert


Mike is a bass player, guitar player and sound guy. He has a dry wit that will leave you wondering ’where’d he come from and how’d he get there’? He has retired to Cold Lake, AB. and is active as a regular performer at the senior homes in and around Cold Lake. He is a member of the Gordie West Band and Hugh McLennan’s Western Spirit Band. At cowboy gatherings, if there is a need for a bass player, Mike will step forward to play.

Mike Dygert

Cold Lake, AB

Cell # 780-573-9561

Home # 780-639-2110


E-mail: mdygert@telus.net


Noel Burles, Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Cowboy Poet


Noel grew up on a large cattle ranch near Cowley, Alberta.  As a result, Noel learned his ”cowboy” skills at an early age; they were further honed working at other ranches.

Noel has worked for lumber companies, driven truck, washed cars, worked as a prep cook and dishwasher. He is also a licensed mechanic and millwright.

“Been there, done that!”

Noel plays numerous instruments including rhythm guitar, base guitar, mandolin and most recently, fiddle.

Noel has travelled all across Canada, the USA, Mexico, and performed in England and Australia. He continues to travel the world, sharing his talents.


He has two poetry books and one CD of original songs.

Noel Burles

Email: noel.burles@outlook.com

Phone: 403-315-2355

Perry Jacobson - Singer / Cowboy Poet

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Perry was a working cowboy where he ranched with his parents near Medicine Hat and Millarville, AB before joining the Warden Service where he retired as Chief Park Warden of Banff National Park in 2000. His youth spent as a rodeo cowboy, contributed to his love, respect and knowledge of the cowboy life that he has captured in the writings and performances of his poetry and songs. His work strives to maintain the rich culture and tradition of the western way of life.

His compositions, whether in song or poetry, are a reflection of his experience in ranching, rodeo and working in the pristine wilderness areas of our National Parks.

Perry was the lead singer of the band Latigo from 2000-2008; the band traveled extensively in the prairie provinces, toured Canada’s East Coast in 2006 and Arizona in 2008. Latigo produced two CD’s - Kansas in the Fall and The Drifter. He is the past president of The Alberta Cowboy Poetry Association.

Perry Jacobson

High River, AB


E-mail pcjacobson@shaw.ca


Phyllis Rathwell - Cowboy Poet

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Phyllis and husband Larry love the ranching life. They refuse to give in to BSE, drought, grasshoppers, cranky bankers or common sense. Her sense of humour and ‘been there done that’ experience with ranch life delights audiences. She claims to be equally (in)competent at “workin’ cattle, checkin’ pens, fencin’, balin’, cussin’ gates and riding the grub line.”

Her poetry reflects the reality of ranch life. She has been a featured poet on both sides of the border; Colorado, Montana, Alberta, Saskatchewan. Phyllis and Larry have become popular after dinner entertainment whenever rural folk need a few laughs.

Phyllis has been heard on CBC radio and the show Spirit of the West. Her work has been included in several anthologies, newspapers and country magazines. Her publications include two books and one CD.

Phyllis Rathwell

Elkwater, AB


Email cowboy.poets@gmail.com


Ramblin' Rangers - Brad & BonnieJo Exton

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Chuckwagon cookouts - a gathering in Montana - Heritage Centres - State Parks - Ranches - Colorado - New Mexico - the Midwest - Dakotas - Canada.

If you’re traveling these parts looking for music honouring the western way of life, you’ll likely find the Ramblin’ Rangers. They have enjoyed many years singing to the hearts of romantics everywhere. BonnieJo and Brad, former park/forest rangers based out of Hot Spring, SD, bring a special insight to their storytelling.

Songs that claim history, that awaken the nostalgic need slumbering in our souls, of joy and heartache, of labour and love - songs that bear on our very essence.

Entertainers and songwriters, they offer a distinct sound blending BonniJo’s tender harmonies with Brad’s easy voice, ‘smooth as a velvet comforter’. Playing and telling stories, mixing with fans and friends, it adds up to a sharing that the Ramblin’ Rangers took aim at, when their journey began.

Ramblin’ Rangers - Brad & BonnieJo Exton


Email ramblinrangers@yahoo.com

Richard Mousseau aka Cheeks-too-Soft - Cowboy Poet / Author / Musician / Songwriter

The West has their cowboys and so does the East: Richard’s alter ego, Cheeks, has just not ‘moved west young man’.

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Sliding down the aging side of a manure pile, Richard minds a small farm and a menagerie of farm livestock from cows to 50 head of free range future marinated tender turkey steaks. How does an Eastern Cowboy live the cowboy of the Canadian Western lore? Well, he must have lived a past cowboy life. He now writes about sod busters, ranches, cattle drives and the many adventures of fellow bunkhouse trail hands, Just-The-Cook, Sourdough, Old Bones, Ole Fool, Tenderfoot and the ladies of the west that keep their man tethered.

From cowboy poetry to western novels, radio and theatre plays, not to mention facts and quotes that define the cowboy mystique. Richard writes through the character of Cheeks-Too-Soft and the cowboy/cowgirl in all of us. He has four novels available: Cowboy Poetry For Sale, Mr. Cheeks-too-Soft, Just the Cooks Trailside Gourmet Cooking and Badland Trails.

Richard Mousseau aka Cheeks-Too-Soft

Prince Twp. ON

Moose Hide Books


URL www.moosehidebooks.com

E-mail mooseenterprises@on.aibn.com


Robbie Robertson - The Mountie Cowboy Poet

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Robbie has been associated with The Royal Canadian Mounted Police for more than 60 years, being an active member for 28 years. He writes and recites poetry about the early history of the Force and some of its heroes, as well as traditional cowboy poetry.

He was the first member of the Force to be given permission to wear the uniform after retirement for other than ‘State or formal occasions’. Robbie wears an 1895 N.W.M.P. period uniform or the current R.C.M.P. Red Serge while reciting his Mountie poetry. While he is not a ‘real working cowboy’, he has worked cattle in three provinces and two states. He is a member of the RCMP Veterans Assoc., an Honourary Member of the former Texas Rangers Assoc., a life-member and past president of the Alberta Cowboy Poetry Assoc.

Robbie has performed in England, Texas, Arizona, Montana and throughout Western Canada. He has appeared on national TV and radio and is a guest lecturer on Alaskan cruises with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The Mountie Cowboy Poet is available for private and corporate events and joins Perry Jacobson and BJ Smith as one of the Queen’s Cowboys.

Robbie Robertson The Mountie Cowboy Poet

Staff Sergeant retired

High River, AB

tel 403-652-5645 fax 403-652-5680

E-mail wjrobbie@telusplanet.net


The Fosberys - Terry and Judy

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Terry and Judy were raised in Kalispell, MT, where Judy was in the medical field and Terry taught history for 35 years. For the past 10 years they bring Montana history to life by combining stories with old-time fiddle, guitar tunes, mandolin and vocals.

They have entertained thousands at guest ranches, bus tours, schools, special events and have also performed at the Montana Legislature. Through their performances they share a passion for Montana life and history.

The Fosberys - Terry and Judy

Kalispell, MT

E-mail - fosbery@cyberport.net

The Wardens - Bradley Bischoff, Scott Ward & Ray Schmidt - Singers & Musicians

Reflecting over 65 years of mountain adventure, The Wardens - share original songs and stories about the history and traditions of Canada’s National Park Wardens Service.

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Superb musicianship, haunting vocals and chilling tales from three men who spent their careers in the most rugged of all places. The Wardens bring it… Blood, sweat and tears of bygone years of Banff and Jasper.

The Wardens perform throughout Western Canada and the US. They were nominated for the 2017 Album of the Year for ‘Sleeping Buffalo’ by the Association of Country Music in Alberta and the 2017 Touring Artist of the Year Award by the BC Touring Council.

‘Their performance will leave you with a taste of the danger, adventure and cowboy ruggedness of life as a park warden’ - Banff Crag and Canyon

The Wardens

URL www.banffwardens.com

Facebook www.facebook.com/thewardensmusic

Email banffwardens@outlook.com

Tom Hogarth - Poet / Singer / Musician

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Tom comes from the Stettler, AB area where he was raised in the western lifestyle. Tom as been singing and playing the guitar since his early years. He is a lifetime member of ACPA and singing at some of the first Pincher Creek gatherings are a vital part of his performance experience. He has also played rodeos, gatherings and various venues throughout the province. One highlight was being part of the production ‘Sagebrush in my Heart’.

Tom writes and performs poetry but his favourites are ballads that paint vivid pictures. This has permitted him to adapt many poems to song lyrics and write accompanying music.

Tom Hogarth

E-mail Albertatom_hogarth@hotmail.com


Wendy Vaughan - Cowboy Poet

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Raised west of Cochrane in the Ghost River area, Wendy experienced ranch life first hand. Many of her ranch experiences are told in poetic form in her book The Corral Bars are Down. Wendy has been writing and performing poetry since 1988 where she performed at the Pincher Creek Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Since then she has entertained banquets, rodeos, fundraisers and gatherings in Western Canada and Montana. Wendy currently resides with her husband Walter on the family farm.

She is a charter member of the Alberta Cowboy Poetry Assoc. She has provided entertainers for the Bards and Beef Show in Crossfield, AB which is an annual fundraiser for the Westbrook 4H Club from 1997 - 2008. Wendy is instrumental in the production of ACPA’s annual Trail’s End Gatherings.

Wendy Vaughan

Crossfield, AB


Email wendy@obppromotions.com


Bj Smith - Cowboy Poet

Bj is an experienced horse-trainer, riding coach, packer, mountain guide, clinician, survival expert and Canadian Ski Patrol instructor. He has taught wilderness topics at the university and college level and delivered hundreds of safety talks to school students.

Following a full career in the RCMP, where he experienced years of service in the Arctic, BJ supervised criminal investigations for the Government of Alberta, instructed for the Lethbridge College and sat as the President for the Lethbridge Riding Assoc.

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He routinely guides groups of wilderness travellers on horseback through the Rockies, often on week-long trips. His skill and knowledge as a packer and horseman has been recognized by the Alberta Trail Riders Assoc and private equestrian clubs who have enjoyed his clinics. He has consulted with Rafter 6 Ranch Resort and the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. He developed and instructs ‘The Wilderness Wrangler’ outdoor course at Olds Agricultural College, which focuses on back-country horsemanship skills.

Past President of Cowboy Poetry Assoc., recipient of the Academy of Western Artists Will Rogers award and National Cowboy Poetry Rodeo Silver Buckle, BJ’s professional and comical performances have been featured at gatherings and festivals across Western Canada, the US and cruise liners. He is the author of two books and three CD's and is often featured on radio and TV.

Bj Smith



Email bj@bjsmith.ca
